
In this section, you will find information about our abuse policies, how we enforce them and how you may report problems or violations of our policies. Interaction with those who use this website or services and become aware of any violation are encouraged to contact us. We take violations and abuse seriously.

up4download's Terms of Service prohibits the distribution of Content that defames, is obscene, illegal, is malware, or that infringes any copyright, trademark, or patent, without the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to distribute the Content. Additionally, distributing any Content that violates the rights of others and sexually explicit material are additional examples of Terms of Service violations. Refer to our Terms of Service for more information about violations. An excerpt from our Terms of Service violations are at the bottom of this page.

For Law Enforcement, please click here.


For Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual Property claims, see the specific sections for further information on reporting a claim.

Terms of Service violations are processed by our Customer Support team. If you are reporting a potential violation, send a support ticket and include a direct link to the Content. For the account holder, a confirmed report of a violation can result in action up to and including immediate account termination. If you feel your account was suspended in error, contact our support department with detailed information for further evaluation.

To report Child Exploitation, please see this page.


Millions of users have entrusted their data to up4download, for their own accessibility, to backup, to share with friends and family and collaborate with colleagues. And, millions of those users respectfully observe up4download's Terms of Service.

However, in those instances when up4download is notified of Terms of Service violations, up4download's team upholds and enforces policy and responds to notifications.

up4download additionally employs a variety of processes and automatic mechanisms to avert violations of our Terms of Services, which include: